Sapirica - Prototype Launch

Come one come all, welcome to the dungeons, student of the wizened muted man. Come with your words, your gut, and your blood.

Well, that is the ideal plot of the game. There is no plot in-game yet-- for now, welcome to the prototype launch of Sapirica, the typing-spellcasting game. This prototype launch aims to get an easier time getting beta-testers without leading them into a shady google drive folder. The prototype is also the main goal for this project. There were initially supposed to be more levels, but I have my doubts about the playability of the mechanics I want to answer first before I design levels around them.

This prototype includes:

  • The star of the show: Spell casting
  • 2 enemies
  • 5 spells
  • 1 level
  • 2 types of magical walls to dispell

As there is no tutorial as of now, here is a basic run-down of the controls:


> left mouse click to mark location, the player will automatically walk towards white location marker.


> right mouse click to mark aim, all spells and dispelling will focus on the red aim marker

Casting spells

> Click the input bar below and type the incantation of the spell. The incantation is the phrase in quotations in the spells list on the left side of your screen.

> Press [enter] to cast your spell

Dispelling walls

> Click on the wall and look for the input bar  for dispelling. If it does not appear next to the wall, it is probably linked to another glowing item in the map.

> Clear the text to find the prompt for dispelling. 

> Type the spell and press [enter] to dispell

I will be uploading a streamlined version of the prototype for better testing soon!

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